If you want to be successful on YouTube you need to plan your strategy carefully. Last July, the online market research platform Statista has revealed an […]
Tags VS. Hashtags: We know it sounds confusing. What is the difference between tags, hashtags and categories? As if that wasn’t confusing enough, there has to […]
Today, we are excited to launch our new Affiliate Program for our smart keyword tool Twinword Ideas. If you love our AI-powered keyword tool and would […]
Search engines are becoming smarter and smarter and nowadays they can understand web content almost as good as humans can. Since it is a search engine’s […]
Search ranking is a continuous game. There are multiple fundamental rules out there and no matter how many factors you consider, the core algorithm is known […]
Have you ever downloaded an Excel sheet of keyword ideas from Google AdWords Keyword Planner? Since 2016, Google has change the Search Volume statistics (“Avg. Monthly […]
Between “online ad” and “online ad rates” what would you choose for your PPC campaign? Option number one, “online ad” is the example of broad match […]
Keyword patterns occur when different people search for the same topic or solution using the same order of words. For every search, the user is looking […]